


Anyway 我有點走火入魔了


For an M.A., I came to UBC,
Thought I might do a PhD,
Now I pray I'll even finish this degree,
For I'm really scared that I'll even pass.
Haven't seen the grad chair since first week of class
I used to like econ before it all was math

So calibrate and find the Nash
I'll study hard but I'll never pass
I'll try my best but I'm off the saddle path
'Cause rationality is a lie
GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) makes me want to cry.
These problem sets are going to be my death.

Heard that skiing in BC was great,
But all I do is differentiate
What do proofs of compact sets matter anyway?
So I'll prove efficiency through spectral decomposition,
Or just apply the law of iterated expectations,
Well, now I know that R-squared is just for chumps.

So BoC (Bank of Canada) quizzed me about exchange rates,
But I just know about infinite periods spent eating cake
And Finance didn't care at all about the RBC (Real Business Cycle).
'Cause our math TA writes at Mach eight
And Vadim (econometrics teacher) says that you add a hat to estimate.
It's a good thing Yoram (mic teacher) can't observe my productivity


While Andrey (mic TA) he styles muscle shirts.
Gateman leaves us in the lurch
We've got problems that no social planner could solve.
'Cause we ponder what is Viktoria's ㄗmac teacherㄘsecret
And struggle with the subgame perfect.
While catching up on sleep in Gorkum's ㄗmic teacher) class

When parents ask if classes are going well,
I relay that it's a living hell
Why did I come here instead of just go to Queen's?
So, it's off to Koerner's (library)to commiserate
This program just gives incentive to deviate.
Well, if I flunk out, I guess there's still SFU (Simon Fraser University).

    創作者 小雷丘 的頭像


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